My third post for my assignment is going to be a weird dream I had a while ago. This isn’t even the worst I had but I thought it was the most short story worthy as slightly disturbing as it was. Hope you enjoy the weird workings of my sub-conscience! 😀

She had been a widow for five years that day. She was sixty when he died of a heart attack.  When she woke she listened to the rain pounding against her window for a while hoping for sleep to take her back. It never got easier for her. She would always miss him. She finally gave up on sleep and got dressed in her favourite trousers and long-sleeved shirt. She slowly made her way to the silent kitchen. She hated this room. She hated this silence. She hated her house but would never dare leave for fear of forgetting him. She filled the kettle with water and listened to it boil. It took her a while to get out of her trance. She got out a cup and made a cup of tea. She went to the still quite living room and picked up the paper. She had a red circle marking out an advertisement. It was for the individual cinema rooms. She booked a place last night to watch ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’  to see if it would help distract her from this day. ‘Suppose I might as well still go’ she said.

She slowly made her way to her booked seating area. She didn’t like fizzy drinks and didn’t like how the popcorn got stuck in her teeth. The individual cinemas were a few large rooms with three cinema screens in each. There were about twelve to twenty-four seats in front of each one. The idea was that everyone wore headphones to hear the different movies. You had to book the seats and selected which movie you wanted to watch. She found a seat that she liked although it was mostly because she was sick of hearing her feet walk on the sticky floor. The other movies had started. One was some kind of horror movie and a group of twenty somethings old were watching. The jumped as something jumped out of a doorway. She stopped paying attention after that and didn’t bother to check what the other screen was showing but those seats were full too. Then at three o’ clock on the dot her own movie began. She always loved this movie. She had just gotten to the two main characters looking around the shop when she just couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer. Her eyelids just got heavier and heavier and…..

She woke up with a fright. She was in near darkness except for the lights on the walls. The cinema screen was blank. She stood up quickly but felt dizzy. She swayed a little but started to walk. Then she stopped and she looked at them. The people who had been watching the other movies. She started to panic and began to run to the reception but no one was there. She then ran outside in the dark night looking for someone, anyone who could help her or calm her down, to tell her that she had not just really seen what she did. After a short distance she saw a boy and girl in there late teens she guesses. It was too difficult to see what the looked like. She screamed ‘Help! You got to help me their dead! All of them! Skeletons!’ She was going to say more but she ran onto the road and a pick up truck squealed, tailspined and knocked her down.

Told you it was a weird dream.